The Sacrifice Read online

Page 20

  “What the hell was that?” the man screamed.

  “I think it was a bee.” The woman looked at the top of his head. “There’s a large, red, swollen spot.”

  “It stung my ears and they’re on fire.” He touched the top of his head and winced.

  “Are you able to continue, or do you want to put this off until tomorrow night?”

  “I must continue. If I don’t get some of her eggs harvested each night, Vind is going to kill me. After his marriage, he’s promised the child to Soren. Even if she lived through what that cruel bastard will do to her, a female this young would have nothing left of her reproductive tract to salvage.”

  Alarm shot through Iggy. His heart raced as he flew through the ventilation system. He had to find Riana’s bedroom. He shot through the vent and hovered over her bed for a moment. She’d never seen him. Why hadn’t he let Lily tell Riana about him? This could turn real ugly. Oh, well, here goes nothing. “Reeeana, wake up!” He shouted telepathically. She was sleeping almost as sound as Lily. What are they giving them to make them sleep like this? After the third try and still no response, he screamed as loud as he could, “Riana, wake-up-now!”


  Riana’s heart leapt as a voice screamed her name. She sat up in bed and squinted, searching the dim lit room. “Who’s there?”

  “It’s Iggy. We need your help.”

  A bug buzzed by her and disappeared into the bathroom. Riana flopped back on the bed. She must be dreaming.

  “I have to talk to you. Lily’s in trouble,” the voice said.

  Riana sat back up in bed. Dream or no dream, ‘Lily’s in trouble’ got her attention.

  “Wait, did you say you were Lily’s ferret friend?”

  “Yes! It’s Iggy. Hurry, get up. We have to stop them.”

  “Stop who—?” Her words died when a boy came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. He looked about thirteen and stood around five-six, with a lean, athletic build. A crop of golden blond curls framed an angelic face. However, right now he was so hyper he looked like an angel on speed.

  “Hurry, Riana! We have to stop them! They took her to a room upstairs, and there’s this doctor taking her eggs. He said Vind was going to give Lily to that big bald feeder, Soren. He will end up killing her. Please, Riana. We can’t let him do to her what he’s done to the others. She’s just an innocent little girl.”

  Iggy dashed around the room, talking so fast Riana couldn’t keep up. All she knew for sure was Lily’s in trouble. Riana grabbed her robe and pulled it on over her nightgown. “Okay, calm down and show me where she is. You did the right thing by coming to get me.”

  As Riana ran down the hall, Iggy vanished and his towel hit the floor. Some type of insect buzzed past her ear. She pushed the button on the elevator and the doors opened. Ms. Rizzo stood inside with Lily asleep in her arms. Heat radiated from Riana’s face. She stepped forward and took Lily from the woman. She wanted to beat the ever-loving hell out of the old hag. “What have you done to her?”

  “Nothing,” Ms. Rizzo said. “She wasn’t feeling well. I took her up to see the doctor. He gave her something to help her sleep.”

  “That witch is lying!”

  Riana winced, as Iggy’s scream blared inside her head. “I don’t believe you.” Her hatred for the women drenched each word. “If you have harmed her, I will kill you. If you ever come near Lily again, I will slice you into so many pieces they will never find them all!” Her eyes narrowed. “I’m a surgeon. Trust me. I have no problem using a knife on someone.” Her legs shook from the surge of adrenaline flooding her body.

  The feeder must have sensed the hormone spike rushing through her bloodstream. Ms. Rizzo’s dark eyes flashed with something other than indignation from being threatened.

  Riana turned and headed back to her room. Once inside, she laid Lily on the bed and gently brushed the hair from her small, pale face. She assessed Lily to detect if she was sleeping soundly, or unconscious.

  Someone knocked on the door. Riana glanced around the room and realized Iggy wasn’t with her. As she opened the door, Iggy darted inside wearing a sheet, toga style. He must have taken it off one of the other beds. All he needed were a pair of Roman sandals to look like a young Greek god. His golden curls even resembled a laurel leaf headdress. He paced the floor, talking so fast he could’ve been speaking Greek for all she knew.

  “Iggy,” she said, drawing his attention. “You have to slow down so I can understand you.”

  He stopped and drew a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I get this way when I change into insects. And I’ve done that a lot tonight. But, that cow was lying, Riana. You have to believe me. They’re doing horrible things to Lily. I saw them. The doctor is taking her eggs. After you marry that guy, he’s going to give her to Soren. He will kill her. I’ve been hanging around waiting for my chance to kill him. I’ve witnessed what he does to girls. Everyone in this place is evil. They all do terrible things to people. We have to get you both out of here.”

  Riana reached out and touched Iggy’s arm, before he reached a fever pitch. “I believe you, but…I can’t leave.”

  “Why? You couldn’t want to stay in a place like this?” Iggy’s mouth opened and closed before he spoke. “I can get you out of here safely. I promise.”

  “No, I don’t want to stay.” Riana took hold of the diamond pendant around her neck. “This thing is a type of bomb.”

  Iggy came closer to get a better look. Riana noticed the clean earthy scent coming from his blond locks—like being in a Georgia pine forest.

  “If I go one hundred feet past the surrounding gardens, I will be blown to bits along with anyone nearby. So, unless you know some way around this,” she pointed to her neck, “I’m stuck here.”

  “There has to be some devices around those markers that activate the necklace. If I shift into a wolf, I can hear their hum and sniff them all out.” A sudden frown crossed his face. “But, I don’t know enough about electronics to de-activate them.”

  “Vind says we are getting married in a couple of days. The night before, he’s planning to take me to a fertility site. He’ll have to remove or de-activate it then. That’s the only time I know of when it’ll be safe for me to escape.”

  Riana took Iggy by his upper arms and looked into his eyes. “I can see that you care for Lily and don’t want to see her harmed. The only way she’ll be safe is for you to take her out of here. She doesn’t have a device on to prevent her from leaving. Since she’s so young, Vind didn’t think it was necessary. Where are we, and how far is it to the closest town?”

  “We’re in the Apennine Mountains of Central Italy. It’s about twenty kilometers from here to the village of Coldigioco.”

  “That’s too far for Lily to make on foot,” Riana said. “And she will have to be moving fast. Can you shift into something large enough to carry her, that’s also fast?”

  “I can change into anything I want. I could start out as a large mountain lion, because of the rough terrain. When we get down to the foothills, I’ll shift to a horse to make up for lost time.”

  Riana hesitated. Iggy was her only hope to get Lily to safety. “Okay. When you get to the village, Lily can call her sister and the Protectors will come. Once they know where she is, they can transport to get her rather quickly. You’ll have to hide her until they arrive.”

  “Don’t worry, Riana. I have hidey-holes all over these mountains.”

  “I’m sure you’ll do your best, but Vind will have men looking for her from the moment he knows she’s missing. I will hold off their search for as long as possible. One advantage we have is they know nothing about you. So they won’t expect her to get very far on foot. You can leave through the gardens tomorrow. Since Lily spends the daylight hours with me, they probably won’t become suspicious until the feeders rise around dark. As soon as they figure it out, they’ll transport to all the surrounding villages. If the Protectors are not there to get Lily by dark,
it will be up to you to hide her and keep her safe until they arrive.”

  Iggy took Riana’s hand and laid it over his heart. “I promise you, they’ll not get their hands on her again. And, I’ll bring the Protectors here so we can rescue you too.”

  She didn’t tell Iggy that her chances of leaving there alive were slim. If Vind thought there was even the slightest chance of a rescue, he’d either take her someplace else, or kill her.

  Iggy stared at her with bright, hazel eyes. She grabbed him around the neck and held on as if he were a lifeline. For the first time since they’d arrived, there was a chance of Lily being safe. She had no doubt Iggy meant every word he said. He would do his best to keep Lily safe. And for that, she was eternally thankful. She just hoped his best was good enough.

  Chapter 30

  Riana and Iggy sat on the bed while Lily slept, going over their escape plans. They turned and looked at Lily as she rolled over and peeked at them through strands of dark hair.

  “Hey guys, what’s going on?”

  “Oh good, you’re awake,” Riana reached to push the hair from Lily’s face. “How do you feel, sweetie?”

  Lily wrapped her arms around her stomach. “Better. It hardly hurts at all.” She smiled at Iggy. “Are you doing that?”

  Iggy blushed and held his finger and thumb barely apart. “A little.”

  Riana’s brows drew together. “What are you two talking about?”

  “When my stomach hurts, Iggy makes it better.”

  “How do you do that?”

  Iggy shrugged and stared at the floor. “I don’t know. I’ve always been able to.” His voice was timid, as if he expected a scolding.

  “It’s okay Iggy. I’m not angry. I’m glad you’re helping Lily.”

  Iggy peeked between golden curls. “You are?” His voice was full of disbelief. “My family always made fun of me for helping others. They said I was weak, and called me names because I wasn’t like them.”

  Riana laid her hand on his arm. “Iggy, I would never do that. I think it’s wonderful you used your ability to help someone.” Deep dimples accompanied Iggy’s smile and he visibly relaxed. How he was doing it didn’t matter. The fact that he was willing to help Lily was all she needed to know.

  “Lily,” Riana said. “Iggy told me what happened last night with the snake. We both feel that Vind will harm you if you don’t leave soon. So, we’ve come up with a plan for Iggy to help you escape.”

  A flash of panic crossed Lily’s small face. “I can’t leave without you. He’s going to hurt you, too.”

  “That’s why you have to be brave and go with Iggy. So you can bring help. Once you get to a town, you can call Cy and Kyra. They will get me out of here. You’ll be a hero, saving me the same way the Protectors save people. It’s our best chance of getting home, sweetie.”

  Riana gave Lily a moment to process the information. When she straightened and her chin lifted, Riana saw Lily’s fear of leaving her behind turn into determination to save them both. “You can do this, sweetie, but you have to do everything Iggy says. He knows the best ways to get in and out of this place and the safest places to hide until the Protectors get here.”

  Lily threw her arms around Riana’s neck. “Don’t worry, I’ll bring help. I promise.”

  Riana tried to hide her apprehension about sending two children out into the mountain wilderness on their own. Iggy said he was over a hundred, but the fact that he looked like a boy, did absolutely nothing for her confidence.

  “Lily, has Kyra taught you how to spot a vapor trail?”

  “No. I’ve heard people talk about it though?”

  “It’s a trail of vapors left behind when someone is transporting. It follows closely behind, and only last for a few seconds. Have you ever noticed the shimmer that’s just above the road or sidewalk on a hot day?”

  Lily nodded.

  “That’s what it looks like, but it will only be about the size of a person, and it will move through the sky quickly.”

  Iggy’s eyes widened. “Oh, I’ve seen those streaking through the forest.”

  “Good,” Riana said, relieved he knew what to look for. “You both need to keep a constant watch for any sign of them. It will warn you that someone might materialize. If you see vapor, you need to hide quickly.”

  “Don’t worry, no one will find us.” Iggy said. “If there’s one thing I know, it’s how to hide. I’ve been doing it most of my life.”

  Riana had their breakfast brought to her room, and gave hers to Iggy. He ate, and then left to start digging a hole large enough for Lily to slide beneath the fence.

  They searched Lily’s room for warm clothes, and dressed her in several layers. She placed a small blanket inside a nylon bag used to hold dirty laundry for the housekeeper to pick-up. The drawstring in the top could substitute as straps to make a back-pack, leaving Lily’s hands free to hold on while riding down the mountain.

  “Why am I taking a blanket?” Lily asked.

  “If Kyra and the Protectors don’t get here before the sun goes down, you and Iggy will have to hide. That’s when the feeders will start searching. And the mountains can get below freezing at night.” For the first time since they’d made plans for her escape, Lily looked scared. “I’m sure they’ll be here before then,” Riana added. “If by chance they’re not, you will not be alone. Iggy will be with you and keep you safe.”

  Riana and Lily waited until it was time to leave the bedroom and headed downstairs. They stopped by the library to picked out a book before going to the kitchen. There was only one cook on duty during the day prepping food for the evening meal. Riana had called down and asked for sandwiches and hot cocoa, with the pretense that she and Lily were having lunch in the garden.

  As they reached the front door the guard stationed there stopped them. “We’re going to the garden to spend the afternoon reading,” Riana said casually.

  The guard held his hand out for the bag.

  “It’s our lunch, a book, and a blanket to sit on,” Riana said.

  He searched the bag, and then held it out and gave her a curt nod to proceed.

  Lily led Riana to the far edge of the garden where Iggy was supposed to be digging.

  Iggy’s knowledge of the employees and guards’ schedule proved to be invaluable. He knew when the guards made rounds through the garden, the location of every camera, and the perimeter of the property. Riana had never been so thankful for anyone in her life.

  They spread the blanket on the ground and Riana began reading the book to Lily. Partly to take their minds off what they were about to do, and to wait for Iggy to finish digging. It wasn’t long until they noticed movement at the edge of the fence. A large gopher kicked dirt from a hole. Suddenly, Iggy’s voice was in their minds.

  “Okay, ladies, it’s showtime!”

  Riana and Lily stiffened and looked at each other. “Are you ready, sweetie?”

  Lily nodded and tears filled her eyes.

  Iggy’s voice blared inside Riana’s head.

  “Once Lily has crawled under the fence, you need to kick dirt and straw into the hole. Do it quickly, and try not to draw attention. I will be able to communicate with you for the first five hundred yards, and will be listening. If the guards spot us, all you need to do is call out mentally to let me know.”

  Riana squatted and pulled Lily into a tight hug. It matched the tight lump forming in her throat. “Everything will be all right, honey,” she whispered.

  “We’ll be back for you.” Lily’s tears dripped onto Riana’s shoulder.

  “I know. When this is all over, Cy and I will treat you and Iggy to anything you want.”

  Lily pulled away and looked at Riana with wide eyes. “Even Disneyland? Iggy would love Disneyland.”

  “Yes, sweetie, even Disneyland.”

  She kissed Lily’s forehead and reluctantly turned her loose. Riana watched Lily crawl on her stomach toward the hole, and prayed she’d made the right decision. Was it the ri
ght decision to send two helpless children fleeing down a mountain full of danger? Danger of wild animals—danger of rough terrain with deep trenches or cliffs—danger of being killed by feeders if they’re caught—and she’d be responsible for both their deaths. Oh my God, could she live with a decision like that?

  Iggy’s voice startled her from the fear induced thoughts consuming her mind.

  Riana, Lily’s on the other side. Start filling the hole with dirt, so anyone watching will focus on your movement, not ours. Lily has a long way to crawl before reaching outside the camera range.


  Riana stood on shaky legs. As she opened the book it slipped through the moisture collecting on her hands, and hit the ground with a loud thud. She jerked it up and looked around, then breathed a sigh of relief when no guards came running to investigate. She began reading aloud, paced back and forth in front of where the blanket had been, gradually moving closer to the fence. With each pass by the large hole, she kicked more soil and straw inside.

  It seemed like forever before she heard Iggy’s voice again.

  “Riana, we are past the cameras. I changed into a mountain lion, and Lily is climbing onto my back. I will be moving fast now, and unable to speak to you. Stay safe. I’ll return with help. You have my word. Oh, wait, Lily said to tell you she loves you.”

  Tears filled Riana’s eyes.

  “Tell her I love her, also. And if I ever have a daughter, I hope she is half as brave as her.”

  “I’ll tell her,” Iggy replied. And then they were gone.

  Chapter 31

  Riana fought the tears blurring her vision. She started reading aloud, pretending to still be reading to Lily. The words tumbled out, but her mind rehearsed what she would tell the guard on his next pass through the garden. With each passing moment Lily was getting farther away and that was all that mattered.

  Forty minutes later, the sound of heavy footsteps grew louder on the pebbled path. Riana’s nerves jumped beneath her skin when the footsteps stopped. She glanced toward the guard and suspicious eyes glared back at her. Since the outside guards during the day were human, she tried to enter his mind and compel him to believe Lily was still with her. Panic set-in when she met resistance. She pushed hard to plant the suggestion, but knew she’d failed when he blinked and gave his head a quick shake.