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The Sacrifice Page 23
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Page 23
“I don’t think they were around when I called. He said something about going back to get them.”
Iggy, Cy’s in trouble. I need you to call my father. If you can’t reach him you’ll need to call my mother or my friend Elle. They can find the Protectors. But, I have to be sure Cy’s all right first. Can you come inside and try to find him? Then, come to my room so I can write the numbers down for you. While you’re waiting to get inside, try listening to the guards and see if they mention Cygan. And Iggy, please be careful.”
“Not to worry, Riana. I can do this in my sleep.” Iggy launched himself off the window sill.
Chapter 34
Iggy perched on a branch near the gatehouse entrance. Vind’s men were moving around the grounds, searching for someone. The only ones stationary were two at the gate and two at the front door.
One of the feeders at the door clutched his side and grimaced. Iggy flew to the roof and sat directly above them to listen.
“You need to go upstairs and let the doctor take a look at those ribs,” one of them said.
The injured guy groaned. “I think they’re just bruised. If I feed, they’ll be okay in a couple of hours. Then I’m going down there and break every bone in that asshole’s body.”
“You don’t have to expend the energy,” the other guy replied. “Soren is down there working him over right now. He’ll be in a coma when Soren gets through.”
Iggy remained on the roof listening for Cy’s name, but it never came. Before long the vibration of heavy footsteps headed toward the door. Iggy shifted into fly form and got ready to go through when it opened.
He froze in mid-air when the bald feeder stepped outside and closed the door behind him. He could have gutted a deer and been less bloody. If it belonged to Cy, he was in big trouble.
Stupid—Stupid—Stupid, he chanted, peeved for missing his chance to get inside. I have to get down there and see whose blood that is.
He flew up to the gables of the castle, searching for a crack between the mortar and stone. He found a small chink leading into the attic. Once inside, he shifted into a rat to chew his way into a heating duct. Iggy chewed, then followed and chewed some more, until he reached the elevator shaft. He changed back into a fly and flew down the shaft until the scent of blood saturated the air.
Iggy followed the odor through the cells. He came to an abrupt halt when a limp, bloody body hung from manacles attached to the wall. He sniffed at the unrecognizable form, detecting Cy’s scent through the sharp metallic odor.
“Cy, Cy, Cy,” he screamed, telepathically. No response. He was unconscious.
What am I going to tell Riana? If I tell her how bad he is, she’ll lose it for sure. I have to try and help him.
Iggy left his body and dissolved into a fine mist. He needed to enter Cy’s body and mend the worst of the wounds. But he’d never tried to heal someone with wounds this severe. Once when his brother’s leg was injured in a bear trap, and he’d been motivated by the fear of losing the only person who’d ever shown him kindness. But Cy’s case was much worse.
The largest amount of blood oozed from a deep wound in Cy’s abdomen. Iggy started the tedious process of knitting the tissue together. After what seemed like hours, exhaustion began to inhibit his ability to maintain his current form. He left Cy’s body and reformed into his natural state. Although the bullet needed to be pushed from Cy’s leg, Iggy had to reserve enough energy to fly back to town and call for help. Afterward, he would come back and repair more injuries.
He changed and flew back through the elevator shaft, then followed the vent system to Riana’s room. “Riana.”
“Iggy, where are you?”
“Up here, in the vent. Will you get me something to cover up with and put it in your bathroom?”
After Riana left the bathroom, Iggy flew inside and changed to his natural form. A pink satin robe lay on the vanity. He slipped it on, and then grabbed a tissue to spit into.
“What’s wrong, are you sick?” Riana asked as he entered the bedroom.
“No, I have insulation in my teeth. That stuff makes my tongue itch.”
“Did you find Cy?”
Iggy hesitated. What good would it do to tell her the extent of Cy’s wounds. “I found him. He’s in a cell in the dungeon.”
“Do you think you can get him out of there?”
“I can’t do it alone. He’s unconscious, and there are two guards.”
Riana paled at his news. “What have they done to him?”
“It looked like he’d been beaten.”
If I wasn’t such a weakling, I could’ve helped him more. The same way I couldn’t help my brother when he died, Iggy thought.
“It’s okay, Iggy.” She shoved a piece of paper in his hand. “I need you to take these numbers and make the calls. We can’t do this without help. When you reach someone, tell them to hurry before Vind kills Cy.”
Sadness consumed Riana, as if someone covered her with a veil of despair. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get him out,” Iggy said. “I promise to find the Protectors. Please don’t be sad.”
“I’m just worried about him. You have nothing to be sorry for, Iggy. None of this is your fault.” She took his hands in hers and looked into his eyes. “I want you to know how thankful I am to you for helping Lily. For that alone, I will never be able to repay you.”
Iggy looked at the floor, hiding behind a mass of curls covering his eyes. “You never have to. I care about you both. No longer than I’ve known you and Lily, you’ve treated me more like family than my real family ever did. That means more than any amount of money.”
Tears magnified Riana’s eyes and she drew him into a tight hug. A lump formed in Iggy’s throat. No one had ever held him like that. No one.
“We care about you too,” she whispered. “You are part of our family now. And I promise you, that will never change.” She pulled back and wiped her eyes. Do you still have money stashed to make the calls?”
Iggy nodded.
“Okay, be careful going in and out of here, but keep trying the numbers until you reach someone. Make sure to explain everything that’s happened and where we’re located.”
“I will, Riana.” Iggy headed back into the bathroom. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.”
Vind transported to a coastal town seventy miles from his castle. Before leaving home, his generals had all reported in with good news. The body count of Protectors was rapidly climbing. With Cy already in custody, Vind could almost taste victory. He only had a few stops before proceeding with tonight’s plans.
He walked to the edge of town where an old house sat on a heavily wooded hillside. A young woman with dark hair sat in a swing on the large, wrap-around porch. As she noticed him coming up the walk, her movements stopped. To her credit, she stayed seated.
“Henley,” Vind greeted. “I have need of your services.”
She hesitated before speaking, her large brown eyes searching his. “I told you the last time you forced me to help with one of your causes, I’m not yours to use any time you like.”
It would be so much easier if he could control her mind. But Sivadians couldn’t enter someone’s mind with preternatural abilities. “Oh, my dear, you are wrong. You are mine to use as I see fit.” Vind turned a threatening eye on the house, but kept his tone pleasant. “Where is your lovely little sister?”
Her dark eyes cut toward him and her chin raised a fraction. “I sent her away, someplace you’ll never find her. When she returns, her powers will be as strong as mine. You’ll not be able to touch her.”
“Henley,” he said in a chiding tone. “I don’t have to touch either of you in order to cause harm.”
Her face reddened. “What is it you want?”
“Only a light spell to make someone believe that I’m another. They must also take whatever I say as truth. If you value the lives of everyone around you, it will be an infallible spell, one with no mistakes.”
She regarded him with distrusting eyes. “If I do this, your kind must leave this town and everyone in it alone.”
“I didn’t break my word last time, did I? The citizens of this town will remain off limits to my people. But only if you succeed.”
Henley released a long sigh. “I’ll need an hour to get the necessary ingredients.”
“Perfect,” Vind replied. “I have a couple of thing to do in town. I’ll return for you in an hour.”
The woman disappeared inside the house.
Vind left to find a barber shop in town. He went inside and planted an image of Cy’s hair in the barber’s mind. Vind removed the band from his shoulder length hair, and the barber started cutting.
Twenty minutes later, Vind looked in the mirror. Except for the dark color of his eyes, he favored his twin more than he realized. He’d worn his hair longer since they were kids. When he’d had enough of being compared to Cy to last a lifetime. Cutting it now was only putting him one step closer to his ultimate goal. Vind paid the barber and left a substantial tip for a job well done.
As Vind strolled down the street, he turned his face to the darkening sky and smiled. All his plans were falling in place. He only had one thing left to do before retrieving the witch. Find some blue contacts.
Chapter 35
Riana worried something had happened to prevent Iggy from reaching her father. She’d passed the time watching the guards’ activity from her window. Looking for a sign the Protectors were about to make a rescue.
Keys rattled in the door, and then Ms. Rizzo entered with a tray. A heavily armed guard followed her inside and stood behind her. “Alpheus was busy with Master Vind, and asked me to bring you some tea. He thought you might like it, since you refused your evening meal. It’s chamomile. That’s always a lovely tea to relax with.”
She narrowed her eyes at the old hag. What was with the fake pleasantries? Ms. Rizzo didn’t do nice. She and the woman had never hidden their disdain for each other.
Ms. Rizzo placed a silver tray on the table by the window. “May I pour you a cup?”
Riana’s temper flared and she rose from the chair to stand eye level with the woman. “No you may not,” she said between clenched teeth. “What you can do is leave this room and never return. I don’t trust you, and I do not want you here. If Alpheus is not available, I’ll do without.”
The guard stepped beside Ms. Rizzo. Her chin rose and her lips slashed into a thin line, slipping past her polite facade. “If Master Vind commands it, I can do no other. I must obey.”
Riana leaned closer, making sure to invade the woman’s space. “Then if I were you, I’d ask for a change of duties. Because if you come into my room again, I can do no other than shove that tray right up your ass.”
One side of Ms. Rizzo’s mouth rose in a devious grin. She spun around and marched toward the door with the guard tight on her heels. The door slammed and all three deadbolts snapped into place.
Riana paced the length of the room, consumed by an overwhelming need to get her hands around the old hag’s neck. Eventually, she sat down at the table and poured a cup of the tea, hoping it would calm her raw nerves. She blew across the hot beverage and stared out the window. Within minutes the number of guards doubled. Maybe they had spotted the Protectors. Something had them on high-alert.
Before she finished the tea, Riana began feeling tired. Maybe she’d been without blood too long. As she stood, her body felt weak and heavy. She turned and looked behind her, positive the chair was attached to her rear-end. Each step became more difficult and her eyelids became heavier. She made it to the bed and her knees buckled, causing her to fall across the mattress. As she curled into a ball, one last thought slipped through her mind.
That bitch drugged me.
Someone tugged on Riana’s legs. She forced open her heavy lids. Ms. Rizzo stood beside her bed with a white-laced garment in her hands. Riana’s heart kicked into high gear. She raised her right leg, aimed her foot for Ms. Rizzo’s rounded gut and kicked. The woman flew across the room on her ass.
“Guards!” Ms. Rizzo shouted at the top of her voice.
Riana wished she had a camera to capture the woman’s red-faced, wide-eyed expression. As the thought flitted through her addled mind, two guards almost mowed each other down scrambling through the door. One helped the heifer off the floor, while the other leveled a gun at Riana.
Cool air hit her skin and she glance down. How did she end up in only her panties and bra? She yanked the edges of the comforter around her and stood. “What the hell were you doing?” She stalked toward Ms. Rizzo.
The guard with the gun stepped in front of her. “Ma’am, you need to back off.”
“Or, what?” Riana yelled. “Go ahead and shoot me! I told her not to come into my room again. And what did she do—drug me and take off my clothes? So if you’re not ready to use that gun, you better get her the hell out of here.”
The guard turned and looked at Ms. Rizzo, his face a mask of confusion.
“Fine,” Ms. Rizzo yelled. “Master Vind can put the thing on her himself.” She turned and fled from the room with both guards fast on her heels.
Once the door locks engaged, Riana released a breath and slumped onto the bed.
What was that woman up to? And why did Vind have her drug me to change my clothes? Riana looked at the white garment lying on the floor. She picked it up and held it out in front of her. The floor length, white lace negligée opened down the front, except for a satin ribbon that tied at the empire waist. Her stomach churned and she dropped the thing back on the floor.
Oh, this can’t be good.
Riana grabbed her clothes off the chair and went into the bathroom. She splashed cool water on her face. She was about to get dressed when keys rattled in the locks. She pulled the blanket back around her, cracked the bathroom door and peaked out.
Vind and a petite girl with long dark hair stood in her bedroom.
“Hello, Riana,” Vind said. “I heard you attacked Ms. Rizzo.”
Riana raised her chin. “Yes, I did. The next time I see her, I’ll do worse. No one drugs me and takes off my clothes. What are you up to?” She pointed toward the negligee on the floor. “And don’t even think you’re getting me in that thing.”
Vind smiled dismissing her rant, which only infuriated her more.
“You’ve worked yourself into quite a state. I brought my masseuse in. It’s my birthday, and I want you relaxed when you attend the celebration tonight.”
“I’m not attending any celebration in your honor.”
Vind’s gaze turned threatening. “Yes, you are. And you will let Henley give you a massage. Now lie down on that bed, or I can tie you to it. Which will it be?”
She stared at the girl’s large brown eyes. She appeared almost as frightened of Vind as Riana felt when he used that tone.
Riana released a heavy sigh, waddled over and plopped down on the bed.
Vind looked at the girl. “Do you need me to send a guard in while you work?”
The girl shook her head.
Vind went to the door and stopped. “The guard will be stationed outside if you need him.”
After he left, the girl came over and sat a black canvas bag on the table. She took several bottles of massage oil and a candle from the bag, and then placed the candle on the table and lit it.
Riana studied the girl as she mixed some oils. She had an Italian accent, dark hair and dark eyes. She was definitely human. Riana tried to enter her mind and hit a wall. She must have the same mind-block as the human guards. “What was your name?”
“Why would you work for feeders, Henley? I saw the fear in your eyes when Vind was in the room. They’re unpredictable and deadly.”
The girl visibly stiffened. “I have first-hand knowledge of what they’re capable of. I also have no choice in the matter.”
“I’m being held against my will,” Riana said. “You could save my
life by getting word to my father where I am.”
Guilt flashed across Henley’s face. She looked away and continued preparing the oils. “I’d like to help you…but too many lives depend on my actions. I’m sorry. I can’t risk hundreds of lives to save one.” She poured massage oil into her hands and then moved beside the bed. “If you will lie on your stomach, we can start the massage.”
Riana did as she asked. She couldn’t really blame the girl for not helping her. Hundreds to one were pretty bad odds, for her anyway.
Henley began rubbing the tense muscles in Riana’s neck. Her hands were magic, relaxing every muscle she touched. She hummed a hauntingly beautiful tune as she worked.
Riana’s eyes began to drift, along with her mind. Everything ceased to exist, as if she were floating on a carefree cloud. She’d never been so happy, so satisfied. She was about to marry Cy, her one true mate. All her doubts about becoming queen had vanished. She wanted everything Cy had to offer—even a child. He would be here soon to take her to the fertility ritual. Since it would only be the two of them, she could wear the beautiful gown he’d bought for her. And together they’d create a perfect little person, the combination of their souls and their love.
Riana opened her eyes. She must have fallen asleep during the massage. The masseuse Cy hired was gone. She’d never had a massage that relaxed her so much. She headed to the bathroom to shower the oil off and noticed her beautiful fertility gown lying on the floor.
How on Earth did it get there? She jerked the gown up and inspected the white lace for dirt, relieved when she found none. She grabbed the white lace G-string that went with it and took them into the bathroom to put on after her bath.
Chapter 36
Vind called Soren to escort him down to Cy’s cell. In the past, his victories over his brother had never left him with this much satisfaction.
They entered Cy’s cell. His limp body hung from manacles attached to the wall. His head jerked up and blue eyes focused on Vind with a deadly glare.