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The Sacrifice Page 26

  “We thought we’d lost you,” he whispered, his voice full of emotion.

  Tears rolled down Riana’s cheeks as she clung to her father’s strength. It felt wonderful, and safer than she had ever imagined.

  “Cy,” she said, between gasps.

  Oz pulled back and looked at her. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, I will be, but Cy is in bad shape.”

  “Where is he?”

  “There,” she pointed toward the cell. “Hurry, Dad. I was trying to get inside when Soren attacked me.”

  Oz’s eyes softened and Riana realized she’d called him Dad for the first time.

  He rose and pulled her to her feet. Riana staggered and grabbed the wall for support.

  Oz’s brows shot together. “You’re hurt?”

  “I’m fine, it’s just my leg.” She pointed toward the key-cards. “Please hurry and get that door open.” Riana’s head spun to the point of nausea and her vision darkened. She rubbed her eyes, determined to stay conscious long enough to help Cy.

  A pop came from Soren’s body as it combusted into a fine dust. Riana stared at his remains.

  I should feel some type of remorse for taking a life. All I feel is relief that he can’t hurt anyone else.

  She glanced at Oz working on the door. “How did you know we were down here?”

  “Alpheus heard us outside taking out the guards. He came out of the house yelling about you and Cy being in trouble.”

  “Who else is with you?”

  “Miles, Kam, Kyra and Elle are securing the house. We have around forty Protectors searching the grounds with more on the way. Thanks to the info from Alpheus, I sent Declan’s team to the airport to apprehend Vind. Iggy’s flying around outside somewhere, on lookout for more of Vind’s troops.”

  Oz continued working on the cell door. “When Cy was captured, we were all in Spain. We thought you and Lily were there. Vind orchestrated sightings all over the globe to keep us busy fighting his army. We had no cell reception in Spain, so it took Iggy a long time to reach us. We wouldn’t have found out then, if I hadn’t gone back to the compound to check on Cy when he never joined us. He’d left several messages that he came here to get Lily. Then Iggy got through to me and showed me where you two were. Iggy’s an amazing little guy.”

  “Yes, he’s been invaluable. Is Lily all right?”

  “She’s fine, honey. We just need to get you two out of here.”

  Riana jumped when the lock clicked and the cell door opened. She ran to Cy, dropped to the floor and pulled his head into her lap. He was completely unresponsive. She laid her fingers against the carotid pulse in his neck and felt nothing. She was too late.

  Barely able to move from paralyzing fear, Riana bent and laid her ear over Cy’s heart. She glanced up at Oz with tears blurring her vision. A second later, she detected a faint, irregular heartbeat. “He’s alive, but barely. If he doesn’t get blood, he’ll die within minutes.” She held her hand toward Oz. “Give me your knife.”

  Oz removed one of his daggers, then slashed his own wrist and placed it to Cy’s mouth. “Riana, you are not feeding him. You’re already weak, and injured. My blood is ancient and strong. It will give him the best chance of survival.”

  “If Vind returns before you get him out, you’ll need your strength to fight.”

  “I am strong and have fed recently. I’ll be fine.”

  It took a few seconds before Cy’s natural instinct to nourish his starving cells kicked in.

  Riana brushed back strands of hair glued to his forehead by dried blood, and watched for signs of improvement. His skin was ashen, his face lifeless. His beautiful face. The same face that held so much love when they were together—and so much pain last night after he’d watched her with Vind.

  Oz reached with his free arm and pulled her against his side. “I love you, my beautiful daughter,” he whispered. “Cy will be fine once we get the two of you home.”

  Riana pulled back and looked into his eyes. “Dad, I need you to take Cy and leave, now, before Vind returns. I can’t bear for him to harm anyone else I love. But…I can’t go with you.”

  Oz froze. “What do you mean you can’t go?”

  Riana released a weary breath. “This thing around my neck is some type of bomb. If I go beyond a hundred feet of this place, it’ll explode.”

  Oz looked closely at the necklace. “There is no way we’re leaving here without you. We’ll get that thing off honey, don’t you worry.”

  “You don’t understand. Vind could be back any minute and call his troops for reinforcement. He has his entire army at his disposal. What do we have—less than fifty people? You have to get Cy out of here.” Riana’s heart pounded against her chest, and panic started to set in.

  Oz pulled her close. “I promise. We will get you both out. I’ve sent for all of the Protectors. Before long, we’ll have our own army here to fight.”

  “You don’t even know how many are left.” Riana’s voice rose to a shrill pitch. “Vind said over half of the Protectors are dead. Please, Dad, please, just take Cy and go!

  “Baby,” a voice said, so weak it was barely audible. “I’m not leaving without you.”

  “Oh God, Cy, you’re awake!” Her tears dropped to his face and streaked through the dried blood.

  “Sounds like perfect timing, too, before you ship me off without you.” He tried to smile through cracked lips and winced.

  Her heart cringed at the pain in his voice. “Yeah,” Riana said, trying to sound stern. “Someone who can’t even smile really needs to stay and fight an army.”

  Cy pulled her hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss on her fingers. “You’re so beautiful when you’re mad.”

  “I’m not mad. I’m frightened. You can’t even stand. Cy, please let them take you to safety,” she pleaded.

  Cy glared at her through swollen, determined eyes. “Baby, I came here to get you, and I’m not leaving without you.”

  Chapter 40

  The door leading into the cells slammed, followed by several sets of footsteps heading down the hall. Oz jumped up and pulled his gun, then relaxed. “It’s Alpheus, Kam and the girls,” he told Riana.

  Anger shot through Riana as Alpheus came into sight, and Kam’s gun was shoved against the butler’s back. “Take that gun off him! If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have made it down here.”

  Kam held up his hands. “Sorry. I had to make sure he wasn’t leading us into a trap.”

  Kyra and Elle moved closer and stared at Cy’s bloody body. Elle sank to her knees on the floor beside Riana and pulled her into a tight hug. “I thought I’d never see you again.”

  “Me too,” Riana said. “I had no choice. Vind threatened to poison Cy and my father if I didn’t leave with him. Then he threatened Lily and there was no hope of getting away.”

  Elle pulled back and looked at Riana, her eyes full of unshed tears. “I told them you were a self-sacrificing psycho, and Vind had threatened someone.”

  Cy opened his swollen eyes and glanced up at Elle. “Hey watch it,” he said in a weak voice. “You’re talking about the woman I love.”

  Kam snorted. “You have a lot of room to talk. What on earth made you think you could come here, alone, and take on an army of feeders? If you weren’t in such bad shape, you’d be getting your ass whipped right now.”

  “That wasn’t my intention. I got too close.”

  Oz had removed the shirt tied around Cy’s leg and inspected the wound. “Is this what I think it is?”

  “Yeah, it’s what stopped me from transporting when I got caught.”

  Oz glanced up at Kam. “Where’s Miles?”

  “He and some of the others are still searching the castle.”

  “Call him. Riana said there’s a clinic on the third floor. Tell Miles to secure it. We need to get Cy up there so Riana can remove the bullet from his leg. We can’t stop the bleeding until it’s out.”

  Elle’s head tilted and her brows cr
eased. “Um…hasn’t it occurred to anyone to get them out of here first, and take it out at the compound?”

  Riana spoke before Oz had the chance. “Neither of them will leave without me, and I have a bomb around my neck.”

  Kam squatted beside Cy. “He doesn’t look like he’s in good enough shape to put up a fight. If we need to, Miles and I can forcefully take him.”

  Cy’s gaze jerked in Kam’s direction. “Shut up, Kam.”

  Kam chuckled. “I never thought I’d be glad to hear you say that.”

  “How many Protectors have arrived?” Oz asked Kam.

  “Around sixty or seventy. The call went out to around two hundred. They’re on the way.”

  “Send a group down the road to intercept Vind in case he slips by Declan’s team at the airport. He can’t see us before we have him in custody, or he’ll call in reinforcements. Go find Iggy and see if he can sniff out the devices that set this thing off,” Oz said, pointing at Riana’s neck. “Each one Iggy locates, you deactivate. Kyra, take Elle and keep anyone off their backs while they work.”

  Riana glanced at Kam. “Iggy already knows this. Vind said the necklace would activate at twenty-five, fifty, and one-hundred feet in every direction.”

  “This is critical, Kam,” Oz said. “You have to be sure to find every device. If not, we’ll lose her when she crosses.”

  Kam shook his head. “We will not lose her.” He reached down and laid his hand on Cy’s arm. “You have my word.”


  Oz took out his cell and called Miles. “Is the castle secured?”

  “Yes, I’m on my way down there to lock up some prisoners,” Miles said. “Most are house staff. Hostile or not, it’s the safest place for them until this is over.”

  Oz ran his hand down his goatee. “Okay, position some of the men on the roof. Tell them to take out any feeder that approaches. When you get down here, I need your help getting Cy upstairs.”

  Minutes later, Oz and Miles headed to the third floor with Cy. Oz stopped when he noticed Riana hobbling on her foot. “Can you make it?”

  “Yes. I suspect Soren cracked my ankle during our fight.”

  Oz wrapped his free arm around her waist. “Here, lean on me, honey.” He was in awe of the way she’d fought someone three times her size to get inside Cy’s cell. She was remarkable, brave, strong and determined. His heart swelled with pride that she was his daughter.

  As they entered the clinic, the sound of crying babies came from one of the rooms. After they helped Cy onto a table, and pulled a chair over for Riana to sit on while she worked, Oz followed the sound to one of the closed doors. He turned the door knob but it was locked. He stepped back and kicked. Wood splintered and the door slammed open against the wall. A female screamed and pulled two small infants closer, shielding them from harm.

  Oz softened his expression and held out his hands. “I’ll not harm you or your babies. Who are you?”

  She visibly shook and glared at him in silence. M…my name is Maggie Connors.”

  “Harlan Connors’ wife? Are your babies healthy enough to transport?” Oz stepped toward her and she shrugged away from him. “I realize you’ve been through an ordeal, but in order to get you and the babies home, you have to trust me. I am Ozeas, commander of the Protectors.”

  The woman burst into tears. “Is my husband all right?”

  “He’s fine. He’s in custody at the compound until he goes before the council. He’s been charged with his part in Vind’s escape.”

  “But he was only trying to protect his family,” she cried.

  “I understand, and I’m sure the council will also. We can allow you and the babies to remain at the compound until his hearing.”

  Oz took out his phone and called Elle. “Find someone to take your place. I need you to transport Mrs. Connors and her babies to the compound. Find Alpheus and tell him you need his help. I’ll find backup to help you get them off the property. When you get to the compound, take everyone to the infirmary for the doctor to check out. I need for you to stay there to guard them. The compound guards are stretched thin. We won’t be far behind you.”

  Oz returned to the other room where Riana was irrigating Cy’s leg wound. The bullet lay on a tray beside her. Pride swelled as Oz watched her work. His daughter had found her true calling. She was a strong, caring person, who put others’ needs before her own. For her, there was no sacrifice too large for the ones she loved. He just hoped someday her love would include him.

  Riana put a few stitches in Cy’s leg and had just applied a pressure dressing, when gunshots erupted from inside the castle.

  Riana flinched and held her hand toward Oz. “Give me a gun.”

  Oz handed her one of his smaller handguns and three clips.

  “If they need your help, go. We’ll be fine,” Riana said.

  “They can handle it. I’m not leaving you and Cy until you’re safe.” Oz grinned. “You two get in entirely too much trouble when left alone. Hell, I may never leave you alone again.”

  “Yeah, think again, old man,” Cy said, his voice significantly stronger.

  Footsteps moved down the hall. Oz spun around and leveled his weapon at the door.

  Moments later, the door swung opened and Miles shoved Vind inside. With his gun pressed against Vind’s temple, Miles growled, “take that damned thing off her neck.”

  Cy flashed off the table and jerked the gun from Riana’s hand in one move. He had Vind against the wall with the barrel shoved beneath his chin. “Do. Not. Touch. Her,” he growled, between clenched teeth.

  “Cy,” Oz said in a calm tone. “He’s not worth it. With royal blood, the council will have to be the ones to end Vind’s life.”

  “Screw them,” Cy growled inches from Vind’s face. “He is nothing more than a parasite. A plague we brought to this planet that needs to be exterminated.”

  Cy had a point. As much as Oz wanted Vind dead, he couldn’t allow Cy to be the one who took his pathetic life. It would prevent Cy from ever becoming king. On the king’s deathbed, Oz had promised his best friend he’d do whatever it took for Cy to lead their people. If he couldn’t talk Cy down, Oz would have to kill Vind himself. He gently placed his hand on Cy’s shoulder, and aimed the gun in his pocket directly at Vind’s heart.

  Cy stiffened and cut cold, steel eyes at Oz. He could have drowned in the pain consuming those blue depths. “You don’t know what he did to her.” Cy choked out the words.

  “I know what he’s capable of. And, he will pay for everything he’s done. If you kill him here, like this, he gets what he’s always wanted—for you not to become king.”

  “All I care about is his death.”

  “Think of your mother, son,” Oz said.

  Cy hesitated, and Oz realized he’d reached through the red haze of fury that had consumed him. The comment about his mother had slowly brought him back from the edge.

  “Mother will not be queen for long,” Cy said. “I’m going to accept my kingship. Then it will be my decision alone to end your pathetic life. I will look in your eyes, while I rip out your cold blooded heart and shove it down your throat. I assure you, my face will be the last thing you see before you die.” Cy slowly removed the gun from Vind’s chin.

  Seconds later, massive gunfire erupted outside the castle. A cruel smile crossed Vind’s lips. “Sounds like my army has arrived.”

  Cy turned and bashed Vind in the face with the butt of the gun. Blood splattered as he staggered backward into Miles. “You got anything else to say?” Cy threatened. Vind didn’t answer, busy trying to stop the blood pouring from his nose.

  Cy’s leg buckled. Oz caught him and helped him sit back on the table.

  A loud explosion rattled glass bottles stored inside the cabinets.

  “Sounds like they’re inside,” Oz said. Riana grabbed his arm, and her panicked expression broke his heart.

  “You have to take Cy and get him out of here.”

  Cy held her face in hi
s hands. “How many times do I have to say this, not—without—you.” He kissed her forehead.

  “Cy, please.” Huge tears rolled down her face. “You’re in no shape to fight.”

  “Maybe not, but I can still shoot. Baby, you know I would give you anything, except this. We go out of here together, or we die together. Those are your choices.”

  Oz’s phone buzzed. He put Kam on speaker.

  “I think we have everything de-activated. It’s been slow, considering it’s a battlefield out here.

  Oz took a deep breath. “Kam, you can’t think, you have to be sure.”

  “We have checked, and double-checked. Both Iggy and I feel secure that we got them all.”

  “Okay. The three of you get up here. We have Vind, and Cy is on his feet. Grab a few more Protectors on the way. I’m sure we’ll have to shoot our way out of this place.”

  “Oh, that’s a given,” Kam replied.

  Riana spoke up, “Tell them to make sure nothing happens to Iggy.”

  Kam snorted. “Trust me. He’s the safest one of us. That boy has some serious, mad skills.”

  Chapter 41

  Kam, Kyra, and Iggy came through the clinic door. Riana hobbled over to Iggy and pulled him into a tight hug. “Are you all right?”

  “Yep. I’m as ready to leave as an October tree. It’s getting rough out there.” Iggy stiffened and pulled from Riana’s arms.

  He strode over to where Vind stood. “Looks like you need some help washing that blood off.” Iggy made a noise deep in his throat, as done when someone brings up phlegm. When he’d gathered a sufficient amount, he spat it in Vind’s face. “That’s for Lily,” he said through clenched teeth.

  Riana flashed Iggy a proud smile as he turned to walk away.

  Raw fury flashed in Vind’s eyes. “Why you little—”

  Before another word left his mouth, Kyra rushed forward and planted her foot firmly in his stomach. Vind flew across the floor on his rear. “That’s also for Lily,” she added, her face a mask of disgust.

  Cy smiled through cracked lips. “Pick up my piece of shit brother. We’re going to use him to shield Riana on the way out. The only way they’re going to get to her, is to shoot him first.”