The Sacrifice Page 31
“Why is everyone looking at me with that ‘deer in the headlights’ expression?”
Oz stepped forward and took her hands in his, placing a kiss on each. “Because you are a vision unlike anything they’ve ever seen, sweetheart. Now, are you ready to get married?”
There went those butterflies again. Riana took a deep breath. “I’m ready to become Cy’s wife. I just want the whole wedding part to be over.”
Okay Lily, here’s your basket of flowers,” Kyra said. “You’ll go first, like we practiced and I’ll be right behind you.”
“Okay,” Lily said. “I want to hurry and get to the eating and dancing part.”
Everyone left the bride’s room and headed to the front of the small chapel. The wedding was originally set to take place at the queen’s palace, but after the attack during the coronation, they moved it to the chapel on the college campus, her and Elle’s alma mater. The decision to have the wedding in the quaint, rock chapel was an easy one for Riana, since she’d always envisioned being married there. Although, marrying a king was never part of that vision. Some of the Royal Council and aristocrats considered the chapel beneath the station of a king. But Riana didn’t care. This was her wedding, not theirs, and she considered it perfect.
Riana and Cy had stayed at her and Elle’s house on Johns Mountain, in Rome. It had helped Riana tremendously to get back to her own surroundings. The only way Cy would agree was if Protectors guarded the entire mountain, which caused her a degree of guilt. Better her guilt than Cy’s constant worry about her safety.
Since Elle killed a couple of feeders during the rescue, she’d overcome her fears and decided to become a Protector. She lived at the compound, which pretty much gave Cy and Riana the house to themselves. Except when Iggy was home, but he spent a lot of time at the compound with Kyra and Lily.
The wedding was being held at the largest campus in the world, and Cy had seen to every detail of security himself. He’d placed an army of Protectors and guards for miles around the college. If you weren’t Sivadian or on the guest list, there was no way you’d set foot on that campus. Cy and her father believed if Vind did survive the cave-in, he wouldn’t show himself for a while. Not until he recuperated from his injuries and replenished his troops. She hoped they were right. The last thing they needed was for Vind to destroy their perfect day. Although, as long as he remained free, there was an unrelenting whisper in the back of everyone’s mind that he could resurface and wreak havoc on their lives. But, it would not be today.
Oz was just as obsessed with their security. He retired as commander of the Protectors, and Miles took over his position. Oz and Cy were working hard on recruiting and training an army of Protectors to eradicate Vind’s followers. The fact that Oz was no longer in the field fighting had made her mother a different person. Riana loved seeing her happy.
Cy had finally accepted the fact that a king couldn’t be a ruler and a fighter. Not a day went by when Riana wasn’t thankful for that.
Everyone lined up at the entrance to the chapel. Violins began to play the Sivadian wedding march. As if on cue, the annoying flutters in Riana’s stomach worsened. She gripped her bouquet tighter and took a calming breath.
“Okay, Lily,” Kyra said. “It’s time for you to go. Don’t rush, just drop your flowers and I’ll be right behind you.”
“I know, Kyra. That’s only the hundredth time you’ve told me.”
“Well, I know when you see Iggy standing up there, you’re likely to take off like a rocket,” Kyra replied, laughter in her voice.
Lily headed down the aisle and did exactly as she’d been told. Kyra was her bridesmaid. Riana and Elle had gotten close to Kyra since the rescue. It was hard to remember the animosity they’d felt toward her that first day at the compound. Kyra’s tough as nails act was driven by her desire to never have her students go through the hell feeders had put her and her Lily through. And you had to respect that about her.
Elle turned to Riana and squeezed her hand. “You know I love you. You’re the sister I never had, and you always will be.”
“I love you. And, we are forever sisters. Now head on down there, maid of honor. Before you make me cry and Mom kills us both for messing up my make-up.”
Riana and Oz stepped up to the open double doors. “Are you okay?” he asked, patting the tight grip she had on the bend of his arm.
“A little nervous.”
“That’s all right, sweetheart. I think you’re entitled. It’s not every day someone becomes a wife and a queen. In case I haven’t told you, you look absolutely beautiful.”
Riana smiled up at him. “Thanks, Dad.”
Everyone stood for her entrance. All eyes were locked on her. The aisle in the small chapel appeared as if it had grown a mile. Suddenly she could relate to Lily. Riana wanted to run to Cy. She closed her eyes and focused on his face. He wasn’t far. She just had to keep her cool until she got to him.
As Riana got closer, a head of blond curls bopped up over the crowd. Iggy stood next to Cy, literally jumping up and down in order to see over the crowd. The curiosity had gotten the best of him, which wasn’t hard to do.
Cy’s face finally came into sight, and he took her breath. Luminous blue eyes locked onto hers and called to her soul. A dazzling smile spread his sensuous, full lips. Riana handed over her bouquet to Elle.
Cy took her hands in his and kissed her cheek. “You are more beautiful than any bride has ever been, since the invention of matrimony. I love you.”
Riana smiled. “And I love you.” The happiness on Cy’s face made all of her fears vanish. She was exactly where she wanted to be, and becoming exactly who she was destined to become. Cy’s wife—and his queen.
The End
Keep reading for a sneak peek of Elle and Kam’s adventure.
Book 2 in the Sons of Sivadia Series.
Crucify My Heart
With every step closer to the gym, Elle’s sore muscles screamed in protest. If they were capable of creating a picket line to keep her away, they would. This would be her third and final day of one-on-one fights, the last step of her six month journey to become a full Protector of the Light.
In order to graduate, she had to fight the top three Protectors and score fifty-one out of a hundred points. She could also win by pinning her opponent to the mat for a ten count. That wasn’t a very likely scenario, since most of the male Protectors were twice her size with rock hard muscles. On day one she had fought the new commander, Miles, who was as seasoned a warrior as they came. He was one of the original three who formed the Protectors in order to protect society from feeders. Day two, she was blessed with fighting his second in command, Declan, who was as big as a cement truck and felt like one when he hit you. She never knew who would be her next opponent until they arrived to fight.
Elle opened the door and glanced around the training room. Large, black mats covered every inch of the floor to prevent injury when their bodies slammed against the unforgiving cement beneath. Numerous black and blue areas covered her body from the past two days of unrelenting slams. But she’d scored high enough to pass, which was all that mattered. She strode across the mats toward Miles and Kyra, her score keepers for today.
A smile tugged at Miles’ lips. “Thought you’d like to know that you had the second highest score ever made on the written exams.”
Elle’s mouth fell open. “Really? Who scored higher?”
Miles stared at her with raised brows.
Did I just say that out loud? Why do I have to be so competitive? “I’m sorry, guess that’s one of those need to know bases.”
Miles chuckled. “Not really. We’re not the CIA. We’re more like one big happy family that kicks ass. The guy’s name was Zander Vines. He was brilliant and one of the best fighters we’ve ever had.”
“Yeah, he wasn’t a protector for long—couldn’t follow orders. One of those people who resented everyone that ranked above him. No one starts out on
top. If you’re promoted, you’ve spent a lot of years proving your worth.”
Elle groaned as she began stretching her sore muscles. “For the record, I think Cy and Oz chose well when they made you commander.”
Miles wrote something on his clipboard. “Thanks, but sucking up won’t improve your scores. Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
“I’m sore, but I’m ready to get this over with.” She slipped an elastic pony-tail holder from her wrist and gathered her long blonde hair back, twisting it through the band into a tight bun. Her eyes narrowed on Miles. Why was he smiling like that? Does he have dirty jokes on that clipboard? “Who am I up against today?”
The airlock broke on the door. Miles smiled and waggled his brows. “I guess you’re about to find out.”
Elle turned to see who it was. She clenched her jaws and ground her teeth.
Kam strode toward them, decked out in his compound training uniform. The black, shiny, spandex fit like a second skin and defined every well-formed muscle. He was the one protector she had made a point to avoid during her six months of training—the one man who infuriated her to no end. The most arrogant person she’d ever met, a self-proclaimed sex-god, his words, not hers. She wanted to strangle him every time he was near.
Heat flooded Elle’s face and she swung around to face Miles, “No. Not him!” she said with more force than needed when speaking to the commander of the group of fighters she wanted to become a part of. “I’ll fight anyone you want, just not him.”
Miles’ lips thinned, and he shook his head as if she were a child throwing a tantrum. “He is among our top three fighters, Elle. In order to graduate, you must fight him or forget about becoming a protector. You can always go back to your life as a detective in the human work-force.”
She looked between Miles and Kyra. Their faces held a hint of amusement. Why were they enjoying making her fight Kam? Everyone knew she detested him.
Kam walked up to her with his usual irritating grin. “Don’t worry, Blondie. I’ll go easy on you.”
Elle stiffened her back. “Maybe you’re the one that should be worried, Romeo.” She clenched her fingers into a tight fist. How many times had she told him not to call her Blondie? Was his goal in life to see how mad she could get? Well, he was about to find out.
She moved to the edge of the mat, kicked off her tennis shoes, and took some deep breaths.
It’s okay. I’ll use my anger as fuel. I’ll beat him if it’s the last thing I do.
Elle dropped into a fighting stance, crouched and ready to attack. As she circled Kam on the mat, he stood in the center with his arms crossed, watching her as if she were nothing more than a pesky gnat swarming around his head. She wasn’t fooled by his relaxed stance. He watched every move she made.
Might as well get this over with. She kicked out with her leg at the back of his knee. He pivoted out of the way with lightning speed before her foot made contact.
Dang! That just cost me a point. She’d trained hard over the past months. She was stronger than she’d ever been, and just as fast as any protector she’d gone up against.
Kam swung one long leg around and connected with Elle’s thigh. The force vibrated through her body and she staggered to the side, but quickly regained her footing. Elle rubbed the area where his foot made contact. Not because of pain, because an intense tingling spread through her lower stomach and groin.
What the heck? That should have hurt, not feel good. She froze. The cocky look on Kam’s face had vanished. His brows furrowed and he gave her a sidelong glance.
“Are you two going to fight, or stand there and stare each other to death?” Kyra asked.
Elle shook her head and dropped into a defensive stance.
Kam’s entire body came off the floor as he swung around and followed through with a powerful kick that she barely dodged.
Oh, now he wants to play rough. So be it! Elle flipped into a handstand and launched her long legs at Kam’s head, effectively scissoring his neck between her thighs. She used her weight to bring him down. As his large body hit the mats, a loud thud echoed throughout the gym.
The minute their bodies touched the tingling returned. Fluid pooled between her thighs and her knees went weak. Elle lost her grip, and Kam scrambled from the floor as if she’d burned him with a hot poker.
Miles and Kyra erupted into laughter.
“What’s so dang funny?” When she didn’t receive an answer, she started to stand but froze mid-way up. She was eye level with a massive bulge in his tight pants. Her eyes rose to his wide-eyed expression.
A conversation she’d had with her best friend, Riana, popped into her head. The first time Riana touched Cy she said there was an intense tingle that traveled straight to her groin. It supposedly meant you had touched your destiny.
Oh, hell no! There’s no way this asshole is my life-mate!
Crucify My Heart…coming soon.
Leaving Sivadia
The prequel began as numerous attempts at writing a prologue for “The Sacrifice” Book 1 in the Sons of Sivadia Series. I had all these fantastic events taking place before the story started that I didn’t want to bog down the action. Therefore, Leaving Sivadia was born. It is the story of their last days on their planet before coming to Earth. I loved meeting the fourteen year old twins, Cy and Vind, discovering what their life was like, and how their animosity toward each other grew into the battle it is today. You’ll meet their father when he was king, and follow their perilous journey as he tried to keep two-hundred survivors alive while escaping a planet over-run by a race bent on destroying them. You’ll also get a glimpse inside the lives of two other beloved characters from The Sacrifice.
I hope you enjoy reading about these characters as much as I loved writing them.
You can find it here for only 99c
Happy reading,
Mia McKimmy
About the Author
Mia McKimmy writes paranormal romance novels reflecting her belief that everyone has one great love, and when you find them, there’s no denying you have met your destiny. She’s always been fascinated by anything paranormal, and science fiction.
Mia counts herself lucky to be married to her one true love. She is Mom to two grown daughters, and Nana to four grandkids who have her wrapped around their fingers.
She is a former hairdresser, and has a degree as a Registered Nurse from Georgia Highlands College. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, and Georgia Romance Writers.
If you’d like sneak peeks of future books and new release dates, please visit her website at:
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